Dear Friend,
We live in a limited light field, or in gravitationally trapped light. The word “light” itself refers equally to the radiance of energy, the radiance of the sun, or any other generator that produces natural or artificial light, but also to the energy behind enlightenment, or what could be called consciousness light.
When the Apostle Paul spoke of the glory of one star being greater than another, he was not simply referring to the magnitude of stars as the astronomers grade them. He was giving us a teaching of the consciousness of one star being greater than another in every possible way.
Our limited light field confines us to only one octave of the electromagnetic spectrum. Stars of greater light have access to a greater portion of this electromagnetic spectrum as well as realms beyond our em spectrum.
We usually associate gravitation with attraction, which is a good way of understanding Key 204. What our thought-forms attract or are attracted to, creates an energy of gravitation. That energy has to be strong enough to penetrate the fourth dimension (i.e., time), which then acts as a bridge to the fifth dimension.
Our lives are evolutionary in nature. We evolve through time from embryo to infant, to child to adult and each stage is marked by development of greater skills and intelligence. What about the decline in old age? You may ask. The answer lies in the fact that our particular sun is subject to entropy as a result of the fall and interference with the Divine Plan. Its age is also a factor. Adamic man was subjected to energies that were against what should have been a constant law of light evolution, and his consciousness was fed, instead, by a lower law of evolution that is entropically based.
We are taught that the earth and man developed from an accidental collision of particles and sun energy that formed the first primitive single-cellular biological organism. This is a very slow moving process that would certainly inevitably lead to all intelligence being doomed to entropy. The Keys contend that Adam was planted on the Earth, complete with all the faculties to evolve and move to other sun systems, or stars, when he reached that point of love and understanding that is compatible with spiritual consciousness in other systems.
All of the signs in the heavens and on the Earth of superluminal Light forces are manifesting to help prepare us to graduate now through the Light into the higher work. This Light that is entering into our zone of activity, can be placed around our bodies like pillars of Light, to prepare us to go the way of the Light which will engineer a complete transformation from our 3-D genetic code into a Light genetics. We will no longer be subservient to the animal nature of man, or the fall, but we will be physically, from that point forth, put on the Christ Light Body having also a higher mind and a more rarified soul.
This is the point where the divine grace allows us to enter back into the mainstream of consciousness evolution, through the work of the Christ. As you open the powers of light upon your head, you have additional seals or chakras, beginning with the eighth, seen as the eight-fold way, or the infinite way. This is the sign of infinity we see in mathematics. It is the divine looping of energy into and through our human system back into the higher image over us. It is also seen as the spark or divine spark over the heads of the disciples. The ninth level (or chakra) is an even greater process, where that spark is expanded into a flame. Here an angelic being can appear in your midst as Shaddai did to Abraham(Genesis 17), when he was ninety-nine years old, symbolic of the nine to the nine configuration, which shows that at that point Abraham was on a higher level ready of the bringing forth of a Divine Embodiment. Are we ready to be part of this change?
With Love and Blessings,

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