Dear Friend,
You surely wonder why children are being so systemically abused both physically and sexually. What is causing this sudden escalation of child rape. The Keys of Enoch® have given us some of the answers. We know that the fallen powers and principalities do not wish man to take his next step into the evolving universe and experience the greater abundance of life Christ promised us.
We know too, that the children being born of spiritual parents are coming into the Earth at this time with a greater spiritual capacity. They are here as Wayshowers, teachers and eventual leaders. What we know, so too the fallen powers know. We saw this in the time of Moses and Jesus where all the gifted babies being born were murdered, in order to prevent the entry of these special souls.
The brutalization of these children neutralizes their confidence, trust and joy in life and breaks their spirits. In many ways it is worse than death.
The Priesthood of Melchizedek works with the Shekinah, or the feminine side of the Godhead, and recognizes the equality of women and children and acknowledges they are part of the true priesthood. Key 115:23, 33 tells us there is a priesthood of the children:
23. And the children are part of the inner priesthood of Light, the family of Joseph, will prepare the faithful to become an organic unity of Light. In this the child is a basic function of all physical intelligence entering the Covenant of Light.
33. Enoch told me that the children who would be born of highly spiritual parents would not come into the world under the influences of the old Zodiac. –Mazzaroth cycle, but would be born with karmic release knowing that they have direct communication with the Father’s kingdom. These children will be incarnated with a specific purpose to serve the remnant seed of the world and to prepare that remnant seed with great powers of spiritual fusion which will pour out of their superminds.
Christ Jesus understood the importance of the children and rebuked those who thought they were unimportant. In the prophetic revelations of the Keys, we see the triumph of the children as recorded in Key 306.53
Finally, I saw children with golden staffs from all parts of the world leading the faithful into the heavens. Those who received the charismatic visions of the Holy Spirit were the first to proclaim the Merkabah (spiritual vehicle) of God.
The strategy of Light allows the child to walk into the lion’s den and overcome the lion. The strategy of the Elohim andB’nai Elohim is to work with the children of Light who, in essence, are Masters of Light, encoded as children. They shall come in to offset this negative experiment that is going on with the fallen walk-ins and spirit possessions that will bring about terrible consequences for those who are possessed by the Nephilim. We are also being warned that there would be many souls born as terrorists to take out life, but there would be many higher souls to regenerate and give back life to those destroyed. The only way they can recreate themselves or elongate their energy is to steal a body or to steal the image which they do not possess. In contrast, we see the children who have the ‘Geller Effect’, the stability of super consciousness to tame the mind of the physicists.
Let us see children come forth and let us recognize that these souls being born at this moment, some place on this planet, are coming in with this higher vibration. The team is being built, and we are being sent reinforcements. This is the master strategy — the children of Light.
The family structure is so important. Spiritual parents must carry on their work of creating a new spiritual seed, because Enoch explained that there would be negative incarnations trying to imbalance the spiritual race on this planet. The forces of the opposition who do not have the Adamic image, would try to create soul embodiments in lesser vehicles of humanity, so as to create terrorists from age four on upwards. If it were not for the intervention of the Hosts of Michael, Gabriel and Uriel, life would completely perish because of the negativity that exists in our area of cosmic space that desires to destroy our soul growth.
With Love and Blessings,

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