The Divine Creative Ordering of Life
17-19 Septembrie 2021
Kulturhaus Dornbirn, Austria
Dr. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and Dr. Desiree Hurtak will be conducting a 3-day seminar on The Sixth Light Picture Superscript or Key 4-0-6. The topic is: We Are the Living Word/Logos Preparing for Ascension. This speaks to the Logos/Christ Power who with the Lords of Light is helping with our Divine Process of Evolution. This is information shown to Dr. Hurtak by Enoch and Metatron, further revealing the power of the Divine Logos that works to transform us also today.
Jesus is the Logos power sent into the world, according to John 1:1. But how does this apply to changing times in this age of Miracles? The Logos is the Language of Contact with the Heavenly Worlds under the Sovereignty of Christ. The Power of the Logos is the key to the coming shift in Consciousness. This shift in Consciousness, we are starting to experience deeply within us as we are re-encoded with a new Language of Body, Mind and Spirit.
Come and share in this Conference as we hear about our role in the Divine Christ and also the many other civilizations in space which is robust and abundant with Life. Through this we will be better prepared for coming future events!
Please note: We are confident and hopeful that we will be able to carry out our European Conference again in 2021 and are joyously planning accordingly. Nevertheless, it may happen that new government regulations require changes in the event or its scheduled date. Therefore, we ask you to please stay flexible. As is our professional promise, we will put every effort into making this a blessed event for all of us. Anyone with health concerns must independently make their own risk assessment.
«Kulturhaus», Dornbirn, Austria
17-19 Septembrie 2021
Starts: Friday 1.00 PM — Ends: Sunday 10.00 PM
Registration and hall opening: Friday at 11.00 AM
Participation fee: € 299.- or CHF 325.-